Saving a Buck!

With two children in college, and two still at home, I am constantly finding ways to stretch the dollar. Here are some tips that I have found to be helpful.


There are apps that you can use to save quite a few dollars throughout the week. Upside is an app that you can earn money through when you shop for groceries and meals and fill up your vehicle.

You claim a cash-back offer. link your credit card to Upside and the app will track your spending. I have saved up to .15 a gallon at some gas stations for a total of almost $4.00 each time I fill up.

Now let’s switch gears. There is a reason Starbucks always has a line. It’s the craze amongst people of all ages. Starbucks offers Summer APP-Y DAYS with 50% off a drink on Fridays. Each drink will save you on average $3.00. But remember, the special is one per person per Friday.